Jungen und Mädchen in Thailand verwenden das Pulver auch, um die Gesichtshaut zu reinigen. Das hilft zuverlässig gegen Pickel!
Nan's Online Shop Blog
Informationen zu Nan's Online Shop
Samstag, 1. Mai 2021
Traditionelles thailändisches Zahnpulver
Mittwoch, 21. April 2021
New Shop-Software
We have ported Nan's Online Shop to a new software. The shop now runs under "nopCommerce" one of the best applications we know.
This highly professional application also makes it possible for us to be open to co-vendors. So if you want to sell your products online, you will find a platform for this on Nan's Online Shop. You can find more information in the store.
wjk software®
Donnerstag, 15. Oktober 2020
Black Garlic Powder (Spice)
As we already wrote on our blog wjk-Software®, our customer "Bleun Engineering" and our customer "Nan's Online Shop" has started to produce "Black Garlic Powder". We developed and designed the website and social media for this project. You can reach the site here: http://bleun-sales.com/en/index.html
The distribution was of course started in Thailand. However, "Bleun Engineering" has found out that there is also a worldwide demand for other products. So the idea of the website was born. However, in many cases the question still arises:
You can place a direct order at Nan's Online Shop.
What is "Black Garlic" actually?
Black garlic is a type of aged garlic whose browning is attributable to Maillard reaction rather than caramelization,[1] first used as a food ingredient in Asian cuisine. It is made by heating whole bulbs of garlic (Allium sativum) over the course of several weeks, a process that results in black cloves. The taste is sweet and syrupy with hints of balsamic vinegar[2] or tamarind.[3] Black garlic's popularity has spread around the world as it has become a sought-after ingredient used in both home-cooking and high-end cuisine.[4]
Extract from Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_garlic
Why should "Black Garlic" be so healthy?
The True Story Of Choo Keng Kwang
A Mandarin oil painter, known as Choo Keng Kwang, is said to have experienced a complete reversal of a skin condition known as psoriasis after using black garlic. He is said to have eaten half a bulb of black garlic a day, for a period of four days, after which he became completely healed of his psoriasis.
He had tried a number of prescribed skin creams, but they are failed to cure him. This is another classic example of the effectiveness of black garlic in addressing certain health issues due to the fact that it is very rich in antioxidants. (2)
In simpler terms, it means that this particular compound has the ability to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. S-Allylcysteine is water soluble and readily digestible.
Sonntag, 15. April 2018
Samstag, 31. März 2018
Dipl.-Ing.Walter Kohl: Frohe Ostern / Happy Easter / Feliz Pascua / Чести...
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